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艺术 历史 B.A.

学习写作, speak and analyze art and visual culture as you prepare for a wide range of careers in museums, 画廊, 艺术市场, 教育, 文化遗产, 文化管理等.
A student stands next to a statue while reading 从 a document inside a 雪城大学美术馆 gallery.
在这个展览中, art history students drew 从 澳门线上赌场’s permanent art 集合 to explore how the non-human animal has inspired the imagination, fueled scientific research and shaped knowledge 澳门线上赌场 animal extinctions.


  • 探索 the history of art while also gaining hands-on experience in curatorial research and public engagement.
  • Enjoy small class sizes with an average of 20 students per class.
  • Collaborate on campus with the 雪城大学美术馆 and the 特藏研究中心.
  • Work in the local community with the Everson Museum of 艺术, Light Work or the Society for New 音乐.
  • Join a group immersion trip to New York City as a senior and learn 澳门线上赌场 professional opportunities in the art world by meeting with curators, 拍卖师, 艺术艺术, 博物馆专业人士和AMH系校友.
  • Take your learning abroad and study at a 澳门线上赌场 center in Florence, Italy; Strasbourg, France; Madrid, Spain; and London, 英格兰.
  • Receive individualized attention and mentoring 从 faculty advisors as you prepare for a career in the many fields where art history is valued.
  • 学生有机会加入 音乐 & 文化生活学习社区.












文理学院(A&S) is 澳门线上赌场’s first and largest college. 作为文科的发源地, our internationally recognized programs provide the cornerstone of a 澳门线上赌场 教育 with 50+ majors in the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities and the social sciences (in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs).


In addition to introductory courses and a senior seminar, you'll be required to take courses across different chronological periods and study art across different cultures. You may also choose to enroll in a studio art course as part of the art history major.

  • Observe and interpret key formal aspects of works of art in historical contexts.
  • Identify and analyze key works of art 从 different eras and traditions across the globe.
  • Recognize and explain the relationship of artists and art to broad cultural, 知识和历史的发展.
  • Analyze central issues and apply scholarly methodologies in the field.
  • 制定一个研究问题, synthesize and appraise scholarly information in support of a thesis, and express ideas clearly and persuasively in writing.
  • Express ideas clearly and persuasively in oral presentations.
  • Gain direct hands-on experience working with art objects and archives.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of visual language pertinent to careers in the visual arts, 体系结构, 视觉研究与媒体.

  • 巴洛克艺术研究
  • 从哥特到哥特
  • 达芬奇:艺术家和工程师
  • 版画的历史
  • 北美本土艺术
  • 从印象派到超现实主义的法国艺术




雪城大学美术馆 is a teaching museum that acquires and preserves important works of art and uses its extensive 集合 to serve as a museum-laboratory for exploration, 实验与讨论. 拥有全球的艺术收藏, the museum strives to foster diverse and inclusive perspectives by bringing together students and faculty 从 across campus and by fostering dialogue with local and international communities. It welcomes all visitors to experience its exhibitions and public programs that promote original research, 创造性思维和增强专注力.

An image of the 雪城大学美术馆. A large metal art installation stands in front of the museum.


特藏研究中心 in Bird Library invites you to explore its extensive 集合 of rare books, 手稿, 具有历史意义的照片, rare artifacts and other primary source materials. 它也是最大的 集合 on the history of plastics in the United States.



鼓励艺术史学生学习 澳门线上赌场 艺术通过 雪城大学海外分校, which hosts programs in 更多的 than 60 countries around the world. Choose 从 semester, summer, short-term and year-long options and learn actual works of 艺术通过 field trips to renowned museums, art 画廊 and archives.



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